1 00:01:41,55 --> 00:01:45,69 Good evening and welcome to school committee this evening Monday August the thirty 2 00:01:45,69 --> 00:01:52,30 first let us begin with the Pledge of Allegiance. But really 3 00:01:52,30 --> 00:01:52,79 this is 4 00:01:52,80 --> 00:01:58,13 a flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one 5 00:01:58,14 --> 00:02:02,18 nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. 6 00:02:05,39 --> 00:02:05,81 So long at 7 00:02:05,82 --> 00:02:11,13 a school committee means educational policies to foster continuous him prove meant 8 00:02:11,15 --> 00:02:15,15 by challenging and supporting all children in the safe carry learning environment 9 00:02:15,52 --> 00:02:18,98 enabling them to reach their see their highest potential and to become productive 10 00:02:18,99 --> 00:02:23,16 citizens who are effective communication and positive relationships for long better 11 00:02:23,18 --> 00:02:27,31 school committee will make informed decisions in the best interest of the students 12 00:02:27,32 --> 00:02:32,50 the schools and the Longmeadow can. Do For the record for the meeting tonight is 13 00:02:32,57 --> 00:02:34,41 being recorded for the C.T.V. 14 00:02:34,45 --> 00:02:41,17 Aired live and being live streamed at Longmeadow dot org. So. 15 00:02:42,74 --> 00:02:46,42 I guess we will begin with any visitor contacts. 16 00:03:00,22 --> 00:03:05,70 You know one out of interest the six in St I just said three quick questions for 17 00:03:05,71 --> 00:03:12,65 you one. I guess for you Madam Secretary and I'm Chair sorry. She has there 18 00:03:12,66 --> 00:03:15,69 been any progress or have you looked into the sort of discussion we had 19 00:03:15,70 --> 00:03:17,52 a few months ago about creating 20 00:03:17,53 --> 00:03:22,13 a subscription list where if you can sort of sign up and receive the material from 21 00:03:22,14 --> 00:03:27,01 the school committee such as the agenda material which is sort of mentioned that it 22 00:03:27,02 --> 00:03:27,18 was 23 00:03:27,19 --> 00:03:30,92 a request that you had made that it was decided by the committee to retreat that we're 24 00:03:30,93 --> 00:03:35,16 not taking that on the agenda was and that's when the meeting schedules and the 25 00:03:35,17 --> 00:03:41,99 agendas are posted on the town website. As required by law. OK 26 00:03:42,22 --> 00:03:46,40 I just sort of encourage you to reconsider down the line just because sort of like 27 00:03:46,41 --> 00:03:50,39 a push or pull if you have to go always and check your email instead of actually 28 00:03:50,40 --> 00:03:53,38 having you know come to your phone is just much easier to get that information 29 00:03:53,39 --> 00:03:57,22 leave out of the lot better the town website you know you can subscribe to have 30 00:03:57,67 --> 00:04:02,32 information sent to you when it's posted or I'll look into the thank you so much 31 00:04:03,11 --> 00:04:06,72 the second question I had was if you could just give 32 00:04:06,73 --> 00:04:10,49 a quick answer in terms of how many classrooms were being created in blueberry 33 00:04:10,50 --> 00:04:16,17 after this sort of post yesterday and this fall as in the year you were just 34 00:04:16,33 --> 00:04:19,72 married or somebody else can answer it's it's anybody can answer that but just 35 00:04:20,15 --> 00:04:23,46 wanted to see I guess the goal was to try to create at least three questions and I 36 00:04:23,47 --> 00:04:27,48 wanted to see if that goal was met another some question of the model that 37 00:04:27,49 --> 00:04:30,46 information was given at our last meeting in 38 00:04:30,47 --> 00:04:37,14 a presentation. And it will be accessed on the Web site on the Power Point however 39 00:04:37,15 --> 00:04:42,46 Diane has been out there three of them and so things are slowly getting put up 40 00:04:42,62 --> 00:04:47,24 there as we're back to school but yes room has been created there are no more than 41 00:04:47,30 --> 00:04:49,18 two teachers. In 42 00:04:49,19 --> 00:04:56,17 a classroom in those situations and special questions so someone just for 43 00:04:56,24 --> 00:05:01,07 my question was worth three classroom I'm able to do it so we've gone through that 44 00:05:01,08 --> 00:05:06,87 whole MS Press has provided maps and the story has provided an entire presentation 45 00:05:06,88 --> 00:05:12,18 at our last meeting that information is available to the public so do you know do 46 00:05:12,19 --> 00:05:15,52 you know how many classroom not offhand protests are because I'm focusing on 47 00:05:15,53 --> 00:05:21,42 tonight's Business OK. If you can just sort of. Just 48 00:05:21,43 --> 00:05:25,70 a simple maybe for the next meeting you can respond just point question how many 49 00:05:25,71 --> 00:05:32,20 classrooms or created the goal was three how many were created and the cost was 50 00:05:32,33 --> 00:05:36,07 comparable to what was presented to the community back in the program terms of if 51 00:05:36,08 --> 00:05:39,72 we were district this is how much money is going to be saved if we don't this is 52 00:05:39,73 --> 00:05:44,16 how much money we're going to be sharing with this special it's just one of just 53 00:05:44,17 --> 00:05:49,08 simple comparison and what was presented community was that and all of that chance 54 00:05:49,09 --> 00:05:51,15 presented at our last meeting in 55 00:05:51,16 --> 00:05:57,02 a presentation done by the superintendent in redistricting it was never said that 56 00:05:57,03 --> 00:06:02,96 we were saving money. On this story all made that very clear in our presentations 57 00:06:03,05 --> 00:06:07,28 through the redistricting committee and made that very clear through the whole 58 00:06:07,29 --> 00:06:12,16 process that the point of redistricting was not saving money saving teachers so I 59 00:06:12,17 --> 00:06:17,26 would urge you to either watch your last meeting or to check out the information 60 00:06:17,64 --> 00:06:21,65 that will be posted on our website which has all of the answers to the questions 61 00:06:21,66 --> 00:06:25,58 that you're asking that there's no point in our committee revisiting those same 62 00:06:25,59 --> 00:06:27,97 questions over and over again we've got 63 00:06:28,70 --> 00:06:33,24 a lot of work to do just in our regular year plus we are beginning 64 00:06:33,25 --> 00:06:39,84 a superintendent's search so. Being repetitive I feel is taking away the time that 65 00:06:39,85 --> 00:06:45,99 we need to spend working. OK so I am not trying to be disrespectful it's just we 66 00:06:46,84 --> 00:06:50,44 I don't know if you you know didn't watch our meeting last week or were not 67 00:06:50,45 --> 00:06:55,10 available but all of that was presented it was difficult to comprehend the answer 68 00:06:55,11 --> 00:06:59,23 to the question and the answer to my question could be just one sentence because 69 00:06:59,37 --> 00:07:02,94 Miss Pratt had her goal was three questions I just want to know just 70 00:07:02,95 --> 00:07:08,21 a simple question How many question for game just one number one or two or three is 71 00:07:08,22 --> 00:07:12,73 just from them or in terms of I don't find the date from the last presentation I'm 72 00:07:12,74 --> 00:07:18,62 used to resent it and it's about cost savings but she did put in numbers to say if 73 00:07:18,63 --> 00:07:23,43 we. Do not redistrict this is the cost we're going to incur if we do redistrict 74 00:07:23,85 --> 00:07:28,56 there's two hundred something thousand if I recall offhand that will be saved not 75 00:07:28,57 --> 00:07:32,60 the goal but it was just pro-trade to the community that if we don't exist it will 76 00:07:32,61 --> 00:07:37,06 be incurring costs I just want to compare them that's all so I just did two numbers 77 00:07:37,07 --> 00:07:41,62 to be comparable in two sentences this can be answered but but that's all it's just 78 00:07:41,63 --> 00:07:46,44 a simple question I can units and we'll take that under consideration but I'm not 79 00:07:46,45 --> 00:07:53,44 promising that that would be read as that of the. Last question I guess relevant to 80 00:07:53,45 --> 00:07:57,15 tonight's discussion I guess we just have to understand it's very difficult for the 81 00:07:57,16 --> 00:08:01,35 community to ask questions on the topics of that committee is meeting without 82 00:08:01,36 --> 00:08:03,64 knowing what the discussion is I followed 83 00:08:03,65 --> 00:08:07,09 a discussion last time but couldn't answer answer that's why I'm asking the second 84 00:08:07,13 --> 00:08:09,89 question in written in response to that discussion with 85 00:08:09,90 --> 00:08:13,82 a good chance to look at the gender real quick for today so in terms of crossing 86 00:08:13,83 --> 00:08:20,31 guards. Would encourage the community to talk and consider when crossing guards on 87 00:08:20,35 --> 00:08:25,13 our new van Ellington those two are cut through streets and I just want to 88 00:08:25,14 --> 00:08:29,27 elaborate that will further. Understand there are other cut through streets in the 89 00:08:29,28 --> 00:08:29,70 neighborhood 90 00:08:29,74 --> 00:08:35,50 a with people covering the morning but these two are straight very so people can 91 00:08:35,51 --> 00:08:36,12 actually garner 92 00:08:36,13 --> 00:08:41,63 a lot of speed specially going from oral two to the road five side the speed limit 93 00:08:41,64 --> 00:08:46,46 on that road is thirty five miles an hour I live on one of those streets speed 94 00:08:46,58 --> 00:08:51,49 usually is in excess of forty to forty five miles so from one from the from oral to 95 00:08:51,50 --> 00:08:57,49 five somebody can actually go really fast so. I know that the school committee does 96 00:08:57,50 --> 00:09:01,30 not have jurisdiction over placing the crossing guards that something has been done 97 00:09:01,31 --> 00:09:05,12 from the from the police but the school committee does have an input as Mr oil and 98 00:09:05,13 --> 00:09:09,21 myself and the others have talked to pursue so I would just urge you to consider 99 00:09:09,22 --> 00:09:15,43 putting those crossing guards there so the safety of children. And thank you. 100 00:09:18,26 --> 00:09:24,73 Any other this it or comments. Seen on any school committee 101 00:09:24,74 --> 00:09:30,92 Commons. Yang of one I just want to thank the committee for your 102 00:09:30,93 --> 00:09:36,48 flexibility in meeting eight o'clock to seven you know it's going to lead into the 103 00:09:36,49 --> 00:09:38,50 next agenda item but we had 104 00:09:38,51 --> 00:09:43,54 a very productive meeting in the subcommittee I were excited to share you know our 105 00:09:43,55 --> 00:09:49,73 discussions with you so thank you very much for being with me today. And 106 00:09:50,52 --> 00:09:57,47 when. I think it is for some of those questions that really. 107 00:09:58,57 --> 00:10:01,97 I don't know the exact answer that would cost one but I think it's simple enough to 108 00:10:01,98 --> 00:10:07,47 answer the classroom one. Which is it appeared we were going to save three 109 00:10:07,48 --> 00:10:12,18 classrooms one was from the fifth grade moving up to his redistricting we filmed 110 00:10:12,19 --> 00:10:13,26 one so we've saved 111 00:10:13,27 --> 00:10:20,12 a total to. Confess to something. Just 112 00:10:20,13 --> 00:10:26,77 based on that tour and the maps that every Pratt from. We. There are at least 113 00:10:26,93 --> 00:10:32,54 three classrooms that were three rooms that were classrooms last year they're now 114 00:10:32,55 --> 00:10:35,64 being used for something else like I think there's 115 00:10:35,65 --> 00:10:42,41 a math room down on the first grade hall and then there's two classrooms one across 116 00:10:42,42 --> 00:10:49,07 from music and I want to cross from art that last year they were classrooms and now 117 00:10:49,08 --> 00:10:54,04 they're specialised special session they like I don't know exactly which one they 118 00:10:54,05 --> 00:10:57,11 are because I don't have the map with me but I know they're I think one is and you 119 00:10:57,12 --> 00:11:02,34 know well it was another and those are our children that we had kind of lumped into 120 00:11:02,79 --> 00:11:08,11 the classroom before and so I think you could be in great shape best of my 121 00:11:08,12 --> 00:11:15,12 knowledge. You know what I can see you know I don't. I just want to be nice 122 00:11:15,13 --> 00:11:16,95 to be those that are three love them was 123 00:11:16,96 --> 00:11:21,01 a big. One of the other ones because of redistricting refilled one of the future 124 00:11:21,18 --> 00:11:23,98 the river. So I'm just saying that's 125 00:11:23,99 --> 00:11:28,41 a simple answer for the room you know I mean it's pretty I mean there's resource 126 00:11:28,42 --> 00:11:31,94 room things that they did but to me when I look at it I was looking at rooms you 127 00:11:31,95 --> 00:11:33,72 could use as a classroom or use as 128 00:11:33,73 --> 00:11:39,64 a resource room and so in my opinion I would get it we've got three rooms that are 129 00:11:39,64 --> 00:11:45,76 . Great and when I toured wall swamp and I toured blueberry. 130 00:11:46,88 --> 00:11:52,77 It was it just felt so much better to me that they were using this basically you 131 00:11:52,78 --> 00:11:57,83 know Center school obviously has more space. Which is and we turned toward thunder 132 00:11:57,84 --> 00:12:03,22 as well and when I toured them I just I was just felt it was so nice that the 133 00:12:03,23 --> 00:12:07,60 schools were actually using their space they all have this it seemed like they all 134 00:12:07,61 --> 00:12:07,82 had 135 00:12:07,86 --> 00:12:12,55 a similar amount of space that they were using equally. And I think that was one of 136 00:12:12,56 --> 00:12:19,41 our main goals with this and have distribution of students even now. You 137 00:12:19,42 --> 00:12:20,92 don't just you know I mean it's 138 00:12:20,93 --> 00:12:25,90 a lyric from here so yeah I know I know you I figured I don't I don't know if I was 139 00:12:26,38 --> 00:12:30,66 allowed to do it but I don't tell you what I saw So the thing is in terms of cost I 140 00:12:30,67 --> 00:12:36,27 don't think there's any easy way to answer the cost questions because so many other 141 00:12:36,28 --> 00:12:41,18 variables have taken place we've added teacher student increased involvement which 142 00:12:41,19 --> 00:12:47,43 had nothing to do with redistricting. Is so cost wise you know it's like comparing 143 00:12:47,44 --> 00:12:52,40 apples to oranges it's not that we're comparing the same cost factors anymore it's 144 00:12:52,41 --> 00:12:56,36 not the same cost basis. You know and I think you did 145 00:12:56,37 --> 00:13:00,57 a great job of explaining that in last week's presentation is that these are the 146 00:13:00,58 --> 00:13:04,44 positions that have to be added this year from 147 00:13:04,45 --> 00:13:10,00 a budget that was developed in December and January because of changes in Roland 148 00:13:10,15 --> 00:13:15,44 and those changes you highlighted last time so I'm not sure that there's an answer 149 00:13:15,45 --> 00:13:21,79 that can be given. Just say that was the cost in line with what was discussed at 150 00:13:21,80 --> 00:13:24,79 redistricting because we have over 151 00:13:24,80 --> 00:13:30,90 a hundred some more students right now than we did in March when have various 152 00:13:30,91 --> 00:13:35,05 leaders say it was not about numbers it was about space it was never right to issue 153 00:13:35,41 --> 00:13:41,08 whatever numbers were told very clear that it was about space not just right so 154 00:13:41,09 --> 00:13:45,80 that's why I was answering that you know to try to go back and calculate those 155 00:13:45,81 --> 00:13:52,53 costs I think is an exercise in futility because so many factors have changed along 156 00:13:52,54 --> 00:13:57,73 the way and it was very clear from the meetings of redistricting of the 157 00:13:57,74 --> 00:14:01,74 superintendent stating this is not about the cost this is about equalizing the 158 00:14:01,75 --> 00:14:08,71 experience and equalizing enrollment. But you know I would 159 00:14:08,72 --> 00:14:13,17 say to be very easy to figure out the cost myself I mean we have basically the 160 00:14:13,18 --> 00:14:16,10 exact same number of kids we did last year on the thing that would be 161 00:14:16,11 --> 00:14:21,79 a productive My Three Sons. But it would be difficult for your cost them to do it 162 00:14:21,80 --> 00:14:26,40 for them although I'm sure if we asked Mr Monson to do it you could come to him 163 00:14:26,41 --> 00:14:30,04 that's when we should because of me you know some point I'm going to move on but 164 00:14:30,96 --> 00:14:36,25 it's. You know sitting in meetings I thought it was presented is there are going to 165 00:14:36,26 --> 00:14:39,20 be savings or it's going to cost more if we do it you know the way it was in the 166 00:14:39,21 --> 00:14:43,73 point of redistricting but certainly the message was whether that happened or not 167 00:14:43,74 --> 00:14:48,24 me I would certainly be whether we actually see any money I think it probably cost 168 00:14:48,25 --> 00:14:52,17 us money. And I do think we could come here with I don't know that that's really 169 00:14:52,18 --> 00:14:58,99 going to make it good or the right end and what is the point of doing that at this 170 00:14:59,00 --> 00:15:05,55 time I guess is my question why should we ask Mr Massa and Mr Boyle 171 00:15:05,60 --> 00:15:11,02 and those of us who are you know trying to put together you know be productive and 172 00:15:11,03 --> 00:15:17,14 work and move forward since we don't stick to this overall what goal does trying to 173 00:15:17,15 --> 00:15:23,54 compare those numbers or. The end of the that we can persons of the 174 00:15:23,58 --> 00:15:27,22 accountability and I don't believe that's necessarily something we need to do right 175 00:15:27,23 --> 00:15:34,13 now. OK And. Are there 176 00:15:34,14 --> 00:15:41,11 any other school committee comments I do have one. As I sent you all in 177 00:15:41,12 --> 00:15:47,89 an e-mail this weekend I apologize for the late notice Oh. See 178 00:15:47,93 --> 00:15:54,51 agenda being sent it made me realize how much I rely on Diane for her 179 00:15:54,52 --> 00:16:00,41 systems however with the loss of her father she was on bereavement last week made 180 00:16:00,42 --> 00:16:05,20 sure that you know when Tom we got the agenda posted to the town website which is 181 00:16:05,21 --> 00:16:11,10 what we're legally required to do and I would just ask the members of the community 182 00:16:11,17 --> 00:16:17,56 members of our community. The understanding of them realizing that there are many 183 00:16:17,57 --> 00:16:24,28 of us also have jobs outside of this and to know that the 184 00:16:24,29 --> 00:16:29,93 agenda is always found on the town website as I said when we started the meeting 185 00:16:29,97 --> 00:16:31,33 the F.A.Q. 186 00:16:31,39 --> 00:16:36,78 Was all of the things that were discussed at our retreat and approved with changes 187 00:16:36,79 --> 00:16:41,24 along the way are in the process of getting posted however with the start of the 188 00:16:41,25 --> 00:16:44,20 school year. And it's quite 189 00:16:44,21 --> 00:16:49,38 a busy time for Diana and you know the certainly wasn't something she had planned 190 00:16:49,39 --> 00:16:55,24 on going. And we appreciate all that she does so I would just ask for your 191 00:16:55,25 --> 00:17:02,06 understanding that. So moving. It and I'm like 192 00:17:02,38 --> 00:17:09,37 What about. The superintendent so absolutely so. I outlined at the last 193 00:17:09,38 --> 00:17:14,16 meeting the process by which the our for peace subcommittee would be working to 194 00:17:14,17 --> 00:17:18,86 determine and make a recommendation to this committee and just to give everybody 195 00:17:18,90 --> 00:17:24,85 a reminder of that the three of us Michelle and I have been meeting with Chad and. 196 00:17:26,16 --> 00:17:32,01 To go over the our piece the requests for proposals those are peas were in response 197 00:17:32,02 --> 00:17:36,31 to a not or the responses were in response I should say to an R.P. 198 00:17:36,32 --> 00:17:41,16 We put out middle of August due back on the twentieth we received four responses 199 00:17:42,06 --> 00:17:48,93 those responses were from rain associates. Out of Cedar Rapids Iowa H 200 00:17:48,94 --> 00:17:55,86 Y A. Nasdaq and Atlanta greasers partners they were the four that had 201 00:17:56,16 --> 00:18:01,12 that responded and so they provided us with outlines of what they plan to do the 202 00:18:01,13 --> 00:18:07,80 timelines. The scope of the work they were going to do resumes for the people that 203 00:18:07,81 --> 00:18:11,49 potential would be conducting the search is an A list of references and through 204 00:18:11,50 --> 00:18:16,04 that information we conducted our technical evaluations which is part one of 205 00:18:16,05 --> 00:18:20,72 a two part process that the subcommittee followed through this up through the 206 00:18:20,73 --> 00:18:24,89 technical evaluation we answer questions ranked one through three one being not 207 00:18:24,90 --> 00:18:30,30 advantageous three being very advantageous to being somewhat advantageous right yes 208 00:18:30,30 --> 00:18:37,10 . On comparable experience years of experience staffing and capability 209 00:18:37,14 --> 00:18:43,28 strategy and plan search timeline approach to community vision for materials and 210 00:18:43,29 --> 00:18:47,32 promotions and references and just to kind of outline what some of those things are 211 00:18:47,80 --> 00:18:52,88 I think the top three were answers that we all got the same they were ones that you 212 00:18:52,89 --> 00:18:55,03 pull the information out of the R.P. 213 00:18:55,04 --> 00:19:00,11 And you answer it the way you can thing. Strategy and plan search timeline approach 214 00:19:00,12 --> 00:19:06,00 to community and materials and promotion those things are really kind of subject to 215 00:19:06,01 --> 00:19:09,54 our own personal opinion about whether or not they were track of the materials that 216 00:19:09,55 --> 00:19:13,87 they provided whether we found the approach to community sufficient across the 217 00:19:13,88 --> 00:19:19,43 community being. Interviews with members of the community stakeholder forums 218 00:19:19,44 --> 00:19:24,88 surveys the approach that they used to the school committee the search timeline 219 00:19:24,89 --> 00:19:27,24 being whether or not it met up with our timeline and we were 220 00:19:27,25 --> 00:19:31,40 a little bit liberal in how we get into interpreted that because you know they 221 00:19:31,41 --> 00:19:34,78 don't all match up because they're going to present the we're recommending present 222 00:19:34,79 --> 00:19:39,02 us with an actual timeline but it was you know A and asked no strategy in plan 223 00:19:39,03 --> 00:19:43,37 whether we agreed with it or things that we agreed with things that we didn't. And 224 00:19:43,38 --> 00:19:48,43 so at the end of the day what happened is that Chad took the three scores that we 225 00:19:48,44 --> 00:19:52,91 all provided him on all these indicators and I looked behind them in the summer. 226 00:19:55,32 --> 00:19:59,03 And he added them together. And we had 227 00:19:59,04 --> 00:20:05,80 a discussion. You got yours. From our. Papers here Chad. 228 00:20:09,48 --> 00:20:16,40 And I got it you. Got an article. And so this was the first part the second 229 00:20:16,41 --> 00:20:20,84 part that was the first part we want to read today and so the way that it came out 230 00:20:20,85 --> 00:20:22,99 was that Ryan associates had 231 00:20:23,00 --> 00:20:29,57 a composite score of seventy one. That Atlantic research partners had 232 00:20:29,58 --> 00:20:36,43 a composite core of sixty two. H Y A A composite score fifty nine and Nasdaq 233 00:20:36,44 --> 00:20:36,75 had 234 00:20:36,79 --> 00:20:43,28 a composite score of fifty seven so following that we had discussions about price 235 00:20:43,29 --> 00:20:48,28 proposals and we went over the different proposals and they came in two parts the 236 00:20:48,29 --> 00:20:53,58 first part is a flat rate fee which is the basic fee for service that the that 237 00:20:53,59 --> 00:20:56,47 a consultant would charge and then there's additional expenses and those additional 238 00:20:56,48 --> 00:21:02,52 expenses include travel travel expense costs for the candidate and the consultants 239 00:21:03,14 --> 00:21:08,05 advertising they and they include things like meals and perdiem as they include 240 00:21:08,06 --> 00:21:11,64 things like. Thank you 241 00:21:11,65 --> 00:21:14,28 a lot of stuff but honestly I think that for those coming scope of it. 242 00:21:20,10 --> 00:21:24,20 They things like community engagement evolving survey you know recruitment 243 00:21:24,21 --> 00:21:29,28 screening so the time and some of the companies charged additional money that was 244 00:21:29,29 --> 00:21:35,33 not included in the total additional expenses like. Background checks per candidate 245 00:21:35,37 --> 00:21:39,04 some of them used external firms some of them did internal because they have the 246 00:21:39,05 --> 00:21:44,67 capability to do it and so you know it became I should also say that during this 247 00:21:44,68 --> 00:21:49,93 process because we asked for proposals we were not precluded in choosing the to 248 00:21:50,02 --> 00:21:55,81 choose the. Lowest possible better but we did have to you know figure out why we 249 00:21:55,82 --> 00:21:58,70 were going to choose the most advantageous from 250 00:21:58,71 --> 00:22:04,94 a technical evaluation perspective. And we got lucky in that respect because the 251 00:22:04,98 --> 00:22:09,61 recommended recommendation we're going to make tonight is for rain associates and 252 00:22:09,62 --> 00:22:14,06 rain associates have the highest technical evaluation score and they were the. A 253 00:22:14,07 --> 00:22:20,69 third lowest priced. Which means that their total recommendation to us was for 254 00:22:20,70 --> 00:22:23,76 twenty five or their total proposal was for twenty five thousand nine hundred 255 00:22:23,77 --> 00:22:25,98 dollars. There was 256 00:22:25,99 --> 00:22:30,34 a dozen on the second lowest right that's right there was second Melissa thank you 257 00:22:30,68 --> 00:22:35,51 their third for you in my mind they were third. In the way I was organizing my head 258 00:22:36,25 --> 00:22:40,06 right associates was the second lowest and Nasdaq came in the lowest but they also 259 00:22:40,07 --> 00:22:40,16 had 260 00:22:40,17 --> 00:22:45,29 a lowest total score and so they were very easy for us to eliminate after that we 261 00:22:45,30 --> 00:22:45,52 had 262 00:22:45,53 --> 00:22:51,41 a real conversation around Atlantic partners and each way of search executive search 263 00:22:51,42 --> 00:22:58,04 came in the highest and they also had the third lowest score so also very easy to 264 00:22:58,08 --> 00:23:01,52 eliminate them and then it came down to limit partners and that was 265 00:23:01,53 --> 00:23:05,97 a matter of the references most of the people who we spoke to gave the companies 266 00:23:05,98 --> 00:23:10,24 very positive references by some of the references where land if were not as 267 00:23:10,25 --> 00:23:13,36 positive as rain associated I know Michelle if you want to speak to some of the 268 00:23:13,37 --> 00:23:19,94 references that you got on great associates. Yes I spoke with. You 269 00:23:20,62 --> 00:23:25,85 but I would like someone from the Pennsylvania Manheim township in Lancaster 270 00:23:25,86 --> 00:23:29,76 Pennsylvania who had has used rain associates for 271 00:23:29,77 --> 00:23:35,83 a few searches in the last couple of years and has used them as consultants 272 00:23:35,92 --> 00:23:42,34 following the hires and. Very very happy I spoke to someone from 273 00:23:42,35 --> 00:23:44,33 Florida who again had 274 00:23:44,34 --> 00:23:50,43 a great experience with them and. I made notes on the last 275 00:23:50,98 --> 00:23:54,95 reference that all three were very favorable and they were very happy with the work 276 00:23:54,95 --> 00:24:00,50 . There were reports of that before. 277 00:24:01,82 --> 00:24:05,96 So rain associates came in at twenty five thousand nine hundred for 278 00:24:05,97 --> 00:24:10,08 a total flat rate plus additional expenses Elana research partners came in 279 00:24:10,09 --> 00:24:13,21 a thirty thousand four hundred fifty H.Y.U.K. 280 00:24:13,22 --> 00:24:15,58 Methody one. Thousand five hundred and NASDAQ 281 00:24:15,59 --> 00:24:22,37 a minute sixteen thousand and nine fifty six. It's limited these extra expenses 282 00:24:23,16 --> 00:24:28,68 there are some kind of call for occasion yeah so they typically in most of these 283 00:24:28,69 --> 00:24:34,61 have provided that. A disclaimer that all expenses and estimates based on past six 284 00:24:34,62 --> 00:24:39,20 hour based on their past experiences but will only be billed for the expenses we 285 00:24:39,21 --> 00:24:40,41 actually incur and so 286 00:24:40,45 --> 00:24:44,58 a lot of the expenses are left up to us to say we want so that the where we 287 00:24:44,59 --> 00:24:48,29 advertise for instance we can decide how much we want to spend on advertising which 288 00:24:48,30 --> 00:24:53,03 would limit the amount that they spend on advertising we can decide how often we 289 00:24:53,04 --> 00:24:56,80 want the consultant here one of the things that was great about the company where I 290 00:24:56,81 --> 00:25:00,61 commending is that they were the only ones that offer video and telecommunications 291 00:25:00,62 --> 00:25:07,53 are tele you know commuting sort of service. You know so all of those 292 00:25:07,54 --> 00:25:12,81 things obviously add up but we you know we can basically say when we work with them 293 00:25:12,82 --> 00:25:13,49 and when we sign 294 00:25:13,50 --> 00:25:18,77 a contract with them that we you know we don't want to spend more than X. 295 00:25:18,78 --> 00:25:24,00 On advertising we don't want to advertise in the Globe or you know wherever and 296 00:25:24,01 --> 00:25:25,32 that's really where the main cause of where 297 00:25:25,33 --> 00:25:27,70 a lot of the cost is going to come from that's 298 00:25:27,71 --> 00:25:34,18 a little bit more intangible with this company for instance. Called Yeah I. Would 299 00:25:34,19 --> 00:25:40,35 give the twenty four falls right vision there's that seems to me that we're yeah 300 00:25:40,89 --> 00:25:46,60 closure and so we're going to do some sifting you know sort of go. Yes we're going 301 00:25:46,61 --> 00:25:53,04 to be build on top of the next year's through there are extras that could be 302 00:25:53,29 --> 00:25:58,30 included I dish and all consultant time and the way that they define additional 303 00:25:58,31 --> 00:26:00,41 consultant time is that 304 00:26:00,42 --> 00:26:04,70 a flat fee is inclusive of all the services they provide the only hourly rates that 305 00:26:04,71 --> 00:26:09,35 would apply would be for requests above and beyond the scope of the proposal and so 306 00:26:09,36 --> 00:26:13,86 in the proposal and I might miss some of the stuff but they talk 307 00:26:13,87 --> 00:26:18,34 a. And they go very very deep into what type of work they're going to be doing and 308 00:26:18,35 --> 00:26:22,34 this is the same for most of them that they will customize the search process to 309 00:26:22,35 --> 00:26:26,10 meet the needs and expectations the law medical schools that they will conduct 310 00:26:26,14 --> 00:26:29,85 individual board member interviews so those are the one on one conversations with 311 00:26:29,86 --> 00:26:34,20 the consultant to assess the board's priorities the goals objectives to aid the 312 00:26:34,21 --> 00:26:37,31 development of the criteria and qualifications for the superintendent position 313 00:26:37,81 --> 00:26:42,26 they'll work with the board to establish that timeline that we talked about. To 314 00:26:42,27 --> 00:26:44,79 discuss the requirements in the salary range for the superintend 315 00:26:44,80 --> 00:26:47,61 a position they will work with the waterhole 316 00:26:47,62 --> 00:26:51,77 a school staff and those selected by the board in the development of an accurate 317 00:26:51,78 --> 00:26:58,15 informational flyer an online application form. If we want they will provide 318 00:26:58,16 --> 00:27:02,09 a consensus building mechanism for obtaining inputs from various constituencies 319 00:27:02,10 --> 00:27:05,44 including staff members other stakeholders and the board other stakeholders of 320 00:27:05,45 --> 00:27:10,29 course could be community members. They also will provide the board the cost saving 321 00:27:10,30 --> 00:27:13,11 option such as using Skype which will save 322 00:27:13,12 --> 00:27:18,73 a lot on air travel. Conference calls go to meetings you know things that can 323 00:27:18,74 --> 00:27:23,75 reduce paper costs because part of the proposal includes copies they're budgeting 324 00:27:23,83 --> 00:27:27,52 seventeen cents per copy so anything that we can do at tronic we would be probably 325 00:27:27,53 --> 00:27:34,18 preferred you know they're including three hundred fifty dollars for you know fax 326 00:27:34,22 --> 00:27:39,40 some of that information could also be done electronically rather than shift faxing 327 00:27:39,46 --> 00:27:40,53 I don't know what we would use 328 00:27:40,54 --> 00:27:46,72 a fax for. Recruiting screening they notify all the associates to actively recruit 329 00:27:46,73 --> 00:27:49,12 potential candidates so you're really getting 330 00:27:49,13 --> 00:27:52,41 a five member team of people who are working very diligently to build 331 00:27:52,42 --> 00:27:57,73 a community profile to work with members the community in the school committee on 332 00:27:57,74 --> 00:28:03,61 the screening your having them bring these get these candidates in. And present and 333 00:28:03,62 --> 00:28:07,45 they'll you know spend some time with the community and then what we like the most 334 00:28:07,46 --> 00:28:11,96 is that included in this price after we hire the superintendent they'll come back 335 00:28:11,97 --> 00:28:15,35 and spend some time with us some reflection time. To help us continue to build 336 00:28:15,36 --> 00:28:19,77 strong relationships with whoever that candidate is so you really do get 337 00:28:19,78 --> 00:28:25,44 a lot out of these people. You know quite honestly. Which did the search last time 338 00:28:25,45 --> 00:28:25,97 I think has 339 00:28:25,98 --> 00:28:31,56 a lot of positives but based on the information that we've asked war in the bids 340 00:28:31,61 --> 00:28:35,55 they scored the lowest on the technicals it just out of the loss of the lowest 341 00:28:35,56 --> 00:28:39,79 price and so here we are with the highest scoring technical but the second lowest 342 00:28:39,80 --> 00:28:45,06 price which is a good position to be in I think. So that's I mean we get we get 343 00:28:45,07 --> 00:28:47,80 a lot of bang for our buck on this and I know you did 344 00:28:47,81 --> 00:28:49,76 a lot of where you talk to them 345 00:28:49,77 --> 00:28:56,56 a lot of some of the services we get since we spoke with the references. Well I the 346 00:28:56,57 --> 00:29:00,97 person from Pennsylvania used their follow up services and felt that that was just 347 00:29:00,97 --> 00:29:07,16 . Extremely useful and helping the transition. And create some goals. 348 00:29:12,42 --> 00:29:15,91 Looking for the third district. Sorry. 349 00:29:19,22 --> 00:29:23,04 Someone from Fort Lauderdale Florida had nothing but great things to say about his 350 00:29:23,05 --> 00:29:29,91 consultant. And. Story 351 00:29:30,31 --> 00:29:37,30 and Roosevelt New York again. I think all of 352 00:29:37,31 --> 00:29:41,67 the people that I spoke with worked with the. One of the people that was 353 00:29:41,68 --> 00:29:45,58 recommended or that was listed in the key associates for the project which was 354 00:29:45,59 --> 00:29:49,14 important to us to see the references was that where the actual consultant that we 355 00:29:49,15 --> 00:29:54,88 believe will be having. Just 356 00:29:54,89 --> 00:29:57,22 a very excessive They provided 357 00:29:57,23 --> 00:30:01,78 a great pool of applicants they were happy with the people that they ended up 358 00:30:01,79 --> 00:30:07,37 hiring from the search. Firm was very excessive all met all of their you know 359 00:30:07,38 --> 00:30:13,11 requests for meetings and they held one on one interviews with the school committee 360 00:30:13,12 --> 00:30:18,17 members and. Members of the community they held 361 00:30:18,18 --> 00:30:22,01 a lot of formal forums and everything is just you know everything they said was 362 00:30:22,02 --> 00:30:26,51 just. Very favorable and they you know when they make 363 00:30:26,52 --> 00:30:29,45 a recommendation I think this is important as I know we've heard from members of 364 00:30:29,46 --> 00:30:35,33 the community who want to participate in this process and on the committee and they 365 00:30:35,34 --> 00:30:35,57 make 366 00:30:35,58 --> 00:30:39,96 a recommendation you know on who involved in that process which I think is helpful 367 00:30:40,50 --> 00:30:45,39 you know and I know that they. You know after that I think what does it say it says 368 00:30:45,40 --> 00:30:50,57 that. The top two sometimes three candidates or finalists are brought back to the 369 00:30:50,58 --> 00:30:54,33 district for an open forum with the public and they provide 370 00:30:54,34 --> 00:30:56,88 a process for you know for that which includes 371 00:30:56,89 --> 00:31:01,56 a moderator which is sometimes nice and definitely helpful you know questions from 372 00:31:01,57 --> 00:31:04,58 the audience or some of their writing to ensure the candidates are only asked about 373 00:31:04,59 --> 00:31:07,42 legitimate issues related to the positions that they do 374 00:31:07,43 --> 00:31:11,97 a really good job to make sure that the candidates who come in are brought forward 375 00:31:12,36 --> 00:31:17,38 you know how the opportunity about their educational vision you know and I know 376 00:31:17,39 --> 00:31:20,91 that there are hundreds of searches that go on every year and you know depending on 377 00:31:20,92 --> 00:31:25,02 the community sometimes there are you know issues that are pretty divisive that I 378 00:31:25,03 --> 00:31:29,65 think they want to try to you know really focus on the issues that you know shape 379 00:31:29,66 --> 00:31:34,51 educational leadership. You know they do it's immune from everything we've seen 380 00:31:34,52 --> 00:31:37,53 everything we've heard there you know they engage in the community piece which I 381 00:31:37,54 --> 00:31:44,08 know is so important in Longmeadow is really you know really really done well you 382 00:31:44,09 --> 00:31:47,36 know and I think that what we've heard throughout the beginning this process and 383 00:31:47,37 --> 00:31:51,07 we're going to continue to hear is that you know people want to be involved and so 384 00:31:51,08 --> 00:31:53,77 whether they're involved on the search committee or whether they have the 385 00:31:53,78 --> 00:31:58,10 opportunity to meet directly with these candidates to the point you know I think 386 00:31:58,11 --> 00:31:59,21 that these consultants are going to make 387 00:31:59,22 --> 00:32:01,90 a point of making sure that everybody gets to play 388 00:32:01,91 --> 00:32:06,07 a role in this or at least have some input into it before this committee makes its 389 00:32:06,08 --> 00:32:10,83 ultimate higher. And I will add the woman from Pennsylvania that I spoke to at one 390 00:32:10,84 --> 00:32:12,05 point they did not use 391 00:32:12,06 --> 00:32:17,10 a search firm and so she spoke to that and said how different it was using ran 392 00:32:17,11 --> 00:32:21,42 associates and being able to have them that the candidates for them ahead of time 393 00:32:21,43 --> 00:32:28,43 and. Narrow down what their community really 394 00:32:28,44 --> 00:32:32,91 needed verses and the other thing they helped with was how much they should you 395 00:32:32,92 --> 00:32:35,83 know list the position for and what they would be getting They helped with. 396 00:32:37,06 --> 00:32:37,85 Designing 397 00:32:37,89 --> 00:32:43,53 a good. Estimate salary you know estimated salary so she said that all of that 398 00:32:43,54 --> 00:32:47,28 really helped them find the right candidate the next time also it's important I can 399 00:32:47,29 --> 00:32:51,68 just add sorry is that they before they even get to the point where there's three 400 00:32:51,69 --> 00:32:56,95 or four candidates they bring back for forums they will do they will offer the 401 00:32:56,96 --> 00:33:02,53 community staff and parents after space and morning and evening forums that are 402 00:33:02,58 --> 00:33:07,70 organized to solicit input via survey process and create dialogue by asking us 403 00:33:07,74 --> 00:33:12,09 a series of questions about desired characteristics and then for people who can't 404 00:33:12,10 --> 00:33:16,44 make these meetings they have an online profile survey option with space for 405 00:33:16,45 --> 00:33:20,16 written comments and they compile this it's part of their thirty three desirable 406 00:33:20,17 --> 00:33:23,02 characteristics and they you know basically use 407 00:33:23,03 --> 00:33:25,89 a quantitative approach based off of input to develop 408 00:33:26,51 --> 00:33:29,22 a profile for which communities which candidates are to be 409 00:33:29,23 --> 00:33:34,18 a good match for the community so from day one through you know the last day of the 410 00:33:34,19 --> 00:33:37,28 process you know trying to determine who 411 00:33:37,46 --> 00:33:42,74 a good candidate is you know honestly has very little to do with this committee 412 00:33:42,75 --> 00:33:47,47 beyond the fact that we hire them it really does come from the people who respond 413 00:33:47,48 --> 00:33:52,09 to these surveys that attends forums that help shape the direction of you know of 414 00:33:52,10 --> 00:33:55,40 the search so that's you know I think that's going to be really great selling 415 00:33:56,17 --> 00:33:59,36 itself sorry about that. There's 416 00:33:59,37 --> 00:34:05,26 a mention of. Flying in and it is 417 00:34:06,19 --> 00:34:06,63 seems to be 418 00:34:06,64 --> 00:34:11,91 a candidate for this position if you want to pay the way for the interview you have 419 00:34:11,92 --> 00:34:18,56 to pay for people. If we want them to come in. From out of 420 00:34:18,57 --> 00:34:23,25 say well you know one of the benefits of going with the cheapest one is that their 421 00:34:23,26 --> 00:34:29,75 instinct is that they're from Massachusetts and and would be. Familiar with the 422 00:34:30,21 --> 00:34:36,27 Massachusetts educational practices. The debates that have been going on. Here. 423 00:34:37,39 --> 00:34:42,75 I really don't see how we get any advantage by bringing in some people from New 424 00:34:42,76 --> 00:34:49,55 Jersey. Or Chicago. Really would have to be sold and so I could just 425 00:34:49,70 --> 00:34:54,68 add to that yeah because you know I want to respond is worthy of their references 426 00:34:54,69 --> 00:35:00,94 from Massachusetts Cambridge thank you introduce them and zero nine and I actually 427 00:35:00,95 --> 00:35:07,89 saw that they worked with Springfield and. Just recently said just recently 428 00:35:07,90 --> 00:35:11,56 Springfield for a leadership role I don't think it was 429 00:35:11,57 --> 00:35:18,20 a superintendent and. Side he was attorney aware of public schools 430 00:35:19,09 --> 00:35:22,90 OK recently conducted superintendent search for where in public schools and the 431 00:35:22,91 --> 00:35:27,44 principal search for Boston Public Schools and previously assisted Springfield 432 00:35:27,45 --> 00:35:31,15 public schools and Cambridge Public schools in their educational leadership 433 00:35:31,16 --> 00:35:36,99 searches so the other thing the reference that I spoke to from New Jersey did 434 00:35:36,100 --> 00:35:43,36 mention was that her consultant was very mindful of scheduling his travel around 435 00:35:43,84 --> 00:35:48,37 other searches that were near them so that he could help you know minimize the 436 00:35:48,38 --> 00:35:54,30 costs of his travel I think. They will help find us candidates if we say we really 437 00:35:54,31 --> 00:35:58,66 want to find candidates in the Massachusetts area or that's what they do you know 438 00:35:58,67 --> 00:36:03,61 so I think in terms of the candidates expenses who are coming to us for interviews 439 00:36:04,04 --> 00:36:10,18 one thing I can say is that they. Can be interviewing 440 00:36:10,94 --> 00:36:11,15 over 441 00:36:11,16 --> 00:36:17,100 a video they they provide video. Feed to us of the interviews so we can actually 442 00:36:18,01 --> 00:36:21,39 watch them and the candidate doesn't have to travel to us so we will see yes we 443 00:36:21,40 --> 00:36:25,75 want them to come right out of Madrid is that true of all of them they're all going 444 00:36:25,76 --> 00:36:29,75 to do well they're the only ones that outlines. Pacifically that they would provide 445 00:36:29,76 --> 00:36:33,79 us with not only video capability but the opportunity to watch them do their 446 00:36:33,80 --> 00:36:36,82 initial screenings and the other thing I say is and this is true for all four of 447 00:36:36,83 --> 00:36:42,03 them John is that the scope of the surge is completely dependent on the decision of 448 00:36:42,04 --> 00:36:46,34 this committee and so most of these with and I think even that stack include 449 00:36:47,21 --> 00:36:49,50 airfare because if we decide we want to do 450 00:36:49,51 --> 00:36:53,81 a nationwide search then that's something they have to factor in if we decide we 451 00:36:53,82 --> 00:36:58,47 want to limit it to New England than or limited to Massachusetts then that airfare 452 00:36:58,48 --> 00:37:03,83 cost is going to go away so you know that really depends on what this board wants 453 00:37:03,84 --> 00:37:08,68 to do they're going to work for whatever we decide we want to do and that's true of 454 00:37:08,69 --> 00:37:15,47 all of these all of them quite honestly. And exist. In the 455 00:37:15,48 --> 00:37:20,39 finance world here interviewing If you live in that she's it's in your interviewing 456 00:37:20,40 --> 00:37:24,42 in Chicago a good chance that if they've called you in as 457 00:37:24,43 --> 00:37:27,98 a final candidate like top two or three candidates they're going to pay your 458 00:37:27,99 --> 00:37:32,76 airfare you to fly and I don't think it's like that for you to fly out there most 459 00:37:32,77 --> 00:37:37,45 of the time and less It says on the job application. You know they must pay their 460 00:37:37,46 --> 00:37:39,52 only place before traveling spent there's not 461 00:37:39,53 --> 00:37:44,47 a back for what the phrase is but I know you know speaking as someone who's. Going 462 00:37:44,48 --> 00:37:50,60 to hear her husband have participated in in the distances the other car it's 463 00:37:50,61 --> 00:37:55,43 a common thing for you to pay for your candidate that's a one or two or even maybe 464 00:37:55,44 --> 00:37:58,77 a three to fly and if we decide that for 465 00:37:58,78 --> 00:38:05,69 a group we. Have not. Trouble for any other candidates and I've 466 00:38:05,70 --> 00:38:05,97 been on 467 00:38:05,98 --> 00:38:10,98 a couple panels for you know your for principles for as forcible the hospital door 468 00:38:10,99 --> 00:38:17,26 for teachers Oh I just offer that. You're correct about the business world that's 469 00:38:17,27 --> 00:38:20,81 a whole other are going to take over but rather it's also 470 00:38:20,82 --> 00:38:24,82 a lot of money will deny you are you one that's and that's why it's up to us to you 471 00:38:24,83 --> 00:38:29,59 know to determine the scope of where we want to go. I thought you were really 472 00:38:29,60 --> 00:38:33,28 referring to air for fear for the consultants that's part of it as well but it's 473 00:38:33,29 --> 00:38:36,62 the one we get and yeah I mean that's right and depending on where they come from 474 00:38:36,63 --> 00:38:40,30 and I think who they person they're recommending or would be most likely for them 475 00:38:40,31 --> 00:38:42,78 to recommend I think is kind of New Jersey so I don't know if there's going to be 476 00:38:42,79 --> 00:38:43,93 a flight there might be 477 00:38:43,94 --> 00:38:48,63 a gas reimbursement on that but. You know I mean when we get to the point if there 478 00:38:48,64 --> 00:38:48,75 is 479 00:38:48,76 --> 00:38:53,85 a candidate far enough out I imagine we would be flying them and do the consultants 480 00:38:53,85 --> 00:38:59,25 . As far as coming here with say from New Jersey or any of those covered by the 481 00:38:59,26 --> 00:39:03,08 twenty five of those and we do have like we don't know the story on the Yanks are 482 00:39:03,09 --> 00:39:09,68 charging you they I think that they have said they have what is that they we just 483 00:39:09,69 --> 00:39:16,60 had this conversation in the other room. I think that they budgeted for what six to 484 00:39:16,61 --> 00:39:20,75 eight there's cigarettes are workers forty seven forty seven visits to the district 485 00:39:20,75 --> 00:39:27,68 . For the seventy four weeks or more. While their travel their 486 00:39:27,81 --> 00:39:34,69 expenses for the their nine hundred not incurred costs are estimates so 487 00:39:34,70 --> 00:39:39,21 will be billed based on actual who don't pay for their current not their top their 488 00:39:39,22 --> 00:39:44,35 regret expenses and what are they give us some of this for yet ballpark Yeah that's 489 00:39:45,04 --> 00:39:50,45 airfares they're budgeting two thousand. Ground transportation at fifty six cents 490 00:39:50,46 --> 00:39:51,61 a mile which is the I.R.S. 491 00:39:51,62 --> 00:39:56,38 Reimbursable rate is five hundred dollars hotel if needed for stakeholder me and so 492 00:39:56,39 --> 00:39:59,57 that's making the assumption they're not they're staying overnight they're 493 00:39:59,58 --> 00:40:05,39 budgeting six twenty five. Meals they're budgeting one hundred fifty dollars car 494 00:40:05,40 --> 00:40:10,17 rental three hundred dollars and Trouts of the travel subtotal after that is thirty 495 00:40:10,18 --> 00:40:15,44 seven or thirty five seventy five and they put the disclaimer in here that expenses 496 00:40:15,50 --> 00:40:16,97 would be less if this if you live 497 00:40:16,98 --> 00:40:21,57 a local consultant so you assume that that two thousand dollars if it's someone 498 00:40:21,58 --> 00:40:28,37 from the Northeast would be shifted into that. That that ground transportation. 499 00:40:28,45 --> 00:40:33,65 Last week my oh. I know you mentioned 500 00:40:33,72 --> 00:40:38,100 a lot about the video from the center teleconference saying not only us watching 501 00:40:39,05 --> 00:40:43,61 you know their initial interviews and all but that's an option for them the thing 502 00:40:43,62 --> 00:40:49,99 with us and. You know is that. Is that how they're keeping the 503 00:40:50,25 --> 00:40:53,91 travel expenses lower because I would imagine going to 504 00:40:54,19 --> 00:41:01,07 a lot of teleconferencing as opposed to physical media. I don't know I 505 00:41:01,11 --> 00:41:05,31 I didn't read it as that they were doing more of the interacting and facilitating 506 00:41:05,32 --> 00:41:11,09 with us through video I think that what I read that to be was in their initial 507 00:41:11,10 --> 00:41:16,04 round of narrowing down the candidate pool they perform interviews and they video 508 00:41:16,05 --> 00:41:19,44 those interviews right so that we can see those I think 509 00:41:19,77 --> 00:41:26,40 a lot more of this is face to face consultant time and and if we have I mean all of 510 00:41:26,41 --> 00:41:31,40 the firms are accessible to us any time we need to you know ask them questions or. 511 00:41:32,44 --> 00:41:34,25 And we could certainly utilize that if we were in 512 00:41:34,26 --> 00:41:37,41 a pinch but I think their goal would be to to meet with us and I think that's 513 00:41:37,42 --> 00:41:40,97 mainly what they laid out in their proposal was and that's you know the contactor 514 00:41:41,01 --> 00:41:44,93 for you but right and I was hearing something different I just wanted to me clarify 515 00:41:44,94 --> 00:41:50,13 I don't think that we I think everybody would feel comfortable you know I mean 516 00:41:50,89 --> 00:41:57,12 PERSON No I think that they see you know I know they they they are really it seems 517 00:41:57,13 --> 00:42:01,46 to me like they're really good about being accessible which we also heard from age 518 00:42:01,47 --> 00:42:06,01 where it was pretty good by the exhaustible and so I think my my read on it was 519 00:42:06,02 --> 00:42:07,61 about if we needed them in 520 00:42:07,62 --> 00:42:12,01 a pinch that you know that was an option for us all and one of the references said 521 00:42:12,02 --> 00:42:12,86 she got 522 00:42:12,87 --> 00:42:16,31 a phone call or she called him at twelve in the morning and he answered You know 523 00:42:16,32 --> 00:42:21,71 the consultant so I think they were very very. Excessive although I did tell you 524 00:42:21,72 --> 00:42:25,10 what you yourself said well you know I don't think we're going to be calling them 525 00:42:25,11 --> 00:42:32,01 but she mentioned so that so. So that's yeah. You know they also they are 526 00:42:32,02 --> 00:42:37,75 listed some of the places that they would be advertising which is like the say John 527 00:42:37,76 --> 00:42:43,15 Bolton website. You know and that factors in some of the advertising dollars that 528 00:42:43,16 --> 00:42:48,80 they're talking about so like you know edgy Ad Week newspaper and website would be 529 00:42:48,84 --> 00:42:51,18 they're estimating and this is 530 00:42:51,22 --> 00:42:55,77 a suggested price from the technical evaluation not you know not the total not 531 00:42:55,93 --> 00:42:58,54 including the proposal but I think they can hash 532 00:42:58,55 --> 00:43:02,72 a little bit they're saying like thirty five hundred dollars for you know 533 00:43:02,73 --> 00:43:07,39 a job listing that would run three times in print and twice on the website. But you 534 00:43:07,40 --> 00:43:12,24 know again we tailor that to you know the needs of the committee and where we want 535 00:43:12,25 --> 00:43:19,22 to sue so they have an injury. There in Lakewood New Jersey in Cedar 536 00:43:19,23 --> 00:43:24,79 Rapids Iowa and I mean I think all that's new here and I don't know how do they 537 00:43:24,83 --> 00:43:30,29 tell me different Yeah they give us some. Yeah but one of the people that they 538 00:43:30,30 --> 00:43:37,07 included in here is from Lakewood which is where their offices. This. Also 539 00:43:37,08 --> 00:43:43,86 from all those guys from Missouri. But again I think I was on I 540 00:43:43,87 --> 00:43:50,63 think let's say the person coming from Iowa would coordinate his 541 00:43:50,64 --> 00:43:55,98 travel with other districts that he was providing searches for at the time so I 542 00:43:55,99 --> 00:44:00,45 mean I know I have to see right you know where some of these other consultants. You 543 00:44:00,46 --> 00:44:06,47 know build up that some of these rip you know these really one or two so that. Well 544 00:44:06,83 --> 00:44:07,63 he has signed 545 00:44:07,67 --> 00:44:14,06 a single. Point person. Or will that be all these traders 546 00:44:14,68 --> 00:44:17,41 were interested it was there would be a lead consultant 547 00:44:17,42 --> 00:44:23,79 a song to Longmeadow with the other but they didn't really help me yes and on their 548 00:44:23,80 --> 00:44:29,89 end of the job we would most likely have the same person here in Arkansas where I 549 00:44:29,90 --> 00:44:33,91 understood Yeah it says that they have five or more consultants on staff to perform 550 00:44:33,92 --> 00:44:40,39 the superhuman search and key leave personnel searches. And that they would 551 00:44:40,40 --> 00:44:47,26 be. So their professional contacts they were so see it's they have over 552 00:44:47,27 --> 00:44:49,69 hundreds of associates nationwide so they have 553 00:44:49,70 --> 00:44:53,74 a bunch shot throughout Massachusetts in the Northeast and the key associates for 554 00:44:53,75 --> 00:44:58,80 the project are the ones that appear to be higher up executives in the company 555 00:44:58,81 --> 00:45:02,71 including the owner of the president so I think that you know I don't think we're 556 00:45:02,72 --> 00:45:06,91 going to get these folks necessarily We won't know and these are the key associates 557 00:45:06,92 --> 00:45:11,66 for the project so it wasn't their top it but it's but then they also make mention 558 00:45:11,67 --> 00:45:16,16 of the fact that they have other national contacts throughout the region right who 559 00:45:16,17 --> 00:45:20,59 would be supporting this team though in the way I read the proposal was this is our 560 00:45:20,60 --> 00:45:25,03 team because I think they needed to in the R P identify who we would be having so 561 00:45:25,04 --> 00:45:28,81 that where they said key associates for the project in this company actually listed 562 00:45:28,82 --> 00:45:32,79 more than some of the other companies did but then they have another one hundred 563 00:45:32,80 --> 00:45:36,10 seventy people that would be supporting them doing background checks betting 564 00:45:36,64 --> 00:45:39,23 candidates who look like they have six of them and three of them are from New 565 00:45:39,24 --> 00:45:45,79 Jersey and I developed. If you do then any of them talk about. How they go through 566 00:45:45,80 --> 00:45:49,64 to verify the gradual flow offered by a candidate or 567 00:45:49,65 --> 00:45:56,09 a product of them in that. Process to use to make sure you are free. 568 00:45:58,34 --> 00:45:59,27 To support them that's 569 00:45:59,28 --> 00:46:04,47 a good question so age why you probably outlined the most specifics on that and 570 00:46:04,48 --> 00:46:07,86 that was like on the finalists but I almost think that but they have 571 00:46:07,87 --> 00:46:13,20 a prescreen database exactly as guys are saying is that they have this is ran 572 00:46:13,21 --> 00:46:17,62 associates who are you know obviously recommending and they say that they have. 573 00:46:19,16 --> 00:46:23,27 Where is it they the fermentation very large prescreen database of top candidates 574 00:46:23,28 --> 00:46:29,88 who are interested in new and challenging position so. That you know they. They 575 00:46:29,89 --> 00:46:34,73 aggressively are going to advertise the best candidates any topic ations. So 576 00:46:34,97 --> 00:46:35,87 basically they're saying they have 577 00:46:35,88 --> 00:46:40,23 a very large database of prescreened outlook and they don't get dozens and the day 578 00:46:40,24 --> 00:46:45,51 when you get detail on what the screening process is for candidates I can tell you 579 00:46:45,56 --> 00:46:49,85 that for the kit for the finalists for H Y A. They. 580 00:46:52,36 --> 00:46:56,86 Change they will take the completion of a conference a background check on 581 00:46:56,87 --> 00:47:00,89 a finalist by an independent third party firm and that background review will 582 00:47:00,90 --> 00:47:05,05 confirm degrees attain any data regarded regarding the candidate on file with 583 00:47:05,06 --> 00:47:11,11 a criminal or domestic courts driving record credit history. Printed in social 584 00:47:11,12 --> 00:47:18,11 media reviews of the candidate inside that. Group says the pool bothers 585 00:47:18,12 --> 00:47:23,92 me I mean we're a suburban. Affluent district with 586 00:47:23,93 --> 00:47:29,10 a college prep modality if you will is that because they have 587 00:47:29,11 --> 00:47:34,77 a category of those folks already there my question would be that means someone 588 00:47:35,28 --> 00:47:41,17 didn't pick them. All going to go with the ones that picked like the apples in the 589 00:47:41,17 --> 00:47:46,00 . But here you go warmer Oh. 590 00:47:48,04 --> 00:47:53,54 I'm not dramatic Jorgen No no I'm serious about. I think it should and we have it 591 00:47:53,55 --> 00:47:58,06 the other way we I mean we say this is who we are and most of what we this is 592 00:47:58,07 --> 00:48:02,35 a World War. And then you're going to hear 593 00:48:02,36 --> 00:48:09,24 a story. You see. I think they do both John I think 594 00:48:09,25 --> 00:48:14,40 they put out our ads and they say you know we're Longmeadow this is all about us 595 00:48:14,41 --> 00:48:15,21 we're looking for 596 00:48:15,25 --> 00:48:20,54 a superintendent then people will be submitting resumes to them they may have 597 00:48:20,55 --> 00:48:25,66 a database of their own and who are looking for jobs let's say and they'll do 598 00:48:25,67 --> 00:48:31,26 a good job and they say of matching you know our district criteria what we want in 599 00:48:31,27 --> 00:48:36,27 a candidate to what you know they know they have and who has applied and they go 600 00:48:36,28 --> 00:48:40,89 through it did say they check references provided and conduct additional background 601 00:48:40,90 --> 00:48:44,21 investigation of the top candidates so they're they're doing 602 00:48:44,22 --> 00:48:48,97 a lot of that work for us I think some some of the OK A check of candidates work 603 00:48:48,98 --> 00:48:53,17 history is also completed utilizing online resources such as Google Yahoo Bing 604 00:48:53,18 --> 00:48:56,93 Facebook Twitter and other social media sources so they they do 605 00:48:56,94 --> 00:49:00,78 a lot of that screening to make sure that we're not getting there really was using 606 00:49:00,79 --> 00:49:06,96 back. OK. Being in the world I mean I think so. 607 00:49:08,34 --> 00:49:14,74 I don't even know what Being is. Exactly right in the middle they also gave 608 00:49:14,91 --> 00:49:21,80 a good example sample brochures of what. Like are districts looking for 609 00:49:22,65 --> 00:49:29,64 in terms and what are districts like so it's advertised. As well. I mean if 610 00:49:29,65 --> 00:49:33,39 the truth is at the end of the day anybody we spoke to who was happy with their 611 00:49:33,40 --> 00:49:35,26 support and it was going to get the result in 612 00:49:35,33 --> 00:49:41,87 a relatively good reference JAG you know we asked them. Nine different by. Sions we 613 00:49:41,88 --> 00:49:44,80 agreed on what those questions were you know some of those questions included 614 00:49:44,81 --> 00:49:49,19 questions like you know what were the issues you have with your with your with the 615 00:49:49,20 --> 00:49:52,40 firm you know what were the things the issues that you ran into while doing the 616 00:49:52,41 --> 00:49:55,92 search so you know we definitely got the answer I mean 617 00:49:55,93 --> 00:50:01,65 a lot of the answers were we didn't really have that many you know so. You know I 618 00:50:01,66 --> 00:50:05,38 think at the and I'll be honest with you before we had just met I was leaning 619 00:50:05,39 --> 00:50:11,29 towards H Y A But you know quite honestly they they're composite score on the 620 00:50:11,30 --> 00:50:15,37 technical was low and they were high priced so you know I think with brain 621 00:50:15,38 --> 00:50:19,66 associates we you know we have you know they met the they met when we asked them 622 00:50:19,67 --> 00:50:21,86 through to meet we have you know we've put forward 623 00:50:21,87 --> 00:50:26,16 a set of standards we wanted them to meet when they submitted this proposal they 624 00:50:26,17 --> 00:50:29,64 met them all and they met them highly you know quite honestly higher than anybody 625 00:50:29,65 --> 00:50:35,23 else and you know quite honest and honestly you know I think I know we use Nasdaq 626 00:50:35,24 --> 00:50:40,05 last time they came in the lowest. On I mean then provide us with any of the 627 00:50:40,06 --> 00:50:44,94 information that we are hardly any of the information we asked for. So this 628 00:50:45,72 --> 00:50:50,71 question for you since you did it on interviews or those of dumping rain associates 629 00:50:50,72 --> 00:50:52,11 what we did was we chose 630 00:50:52,15 --> 00:50:56,65 a firm and then we split and so I have gotten that you know is going to. Face up 631 00:50:56,96 --> 00:51:01,08 Michael's last comment of you know your your list of my questions and and one of 632 00:51:01,09 --> 00:51:07,93 them. You know what struggles did you have what issues did you have. To share 633 00:51:07,94 --> 00:51:12,66 with us so we'll know when and he said and what the question was you know was there 634 00:51:12,67 --> 00:51:16,87 anything that you wish they had done differently and I each person that I spoke to 635 00:51:16,88 --> 00:51:20,08 didn't have anything that they wish they had done differently they just were 636 00:51:20,20 --> 00:51:24,47 extremely happy with their services. That. 637 00:51:28,81 --> 00:51:35,30 Further questions. So you're so we're 638 00:51:35,66 --> 00:51:41,87 search the search committee is make their recommendations and I guess I take 639 00:51:41,88 --> 00:51:48,61 a motion for. A move on the recommendation of the peace subcommittee to award rein 640 00:51:48,62 --> 00:51:54,41 Associates Incorporated the contract on medical schools they were. Going to have 641 00:51:54,42 --> 00:51:59,80 search. That good motion and I second the emotion and the second is there any 642 00:51:59,88 --> 00:52:06,83 further discussion. You know oh we're so great we don't have to do roll call vote 643 00:52:06,84 --> 00:52:12,37 anymore I made that joke Thank you everybody so we do one for all time thank you 644 00:52:12,38 --> 00:52:17,16 very much because so all those favor he said getting started and they've been 645 00:52:17,21 --> 00:52:24,20 a great associate. And he goes. Oh goal OK 646 00:52:24,21 --> 00:52:30,98 So you know I mean it's cold. So the next step for the committee over I don't 647 00:52:31,63 --> 00:52:36,16 know if I could well now that you have awarded 648 00:52:36,17 --> 00:52:40,40 a contract I think we need to appropriate money so that if we have the funds 649 00:52:40,41 --> 00:52:46,60 available so I would recommend the school committee appropriate thirty thousand for 650 00:52:46,61 --> 00:52:52,11 the search. Based on the twenty five thousand nine hundred dollars cost again some 651 00:52:52,12 --> 00:52:58,27 of those are estimates and also for the related possible related expenses to the 652 00:52:58,28 --> 00:53:02,81 finalist travel and so on and so. Anywhere in particular you want to come for 653 00:53:02,82 --> 00:53:06,87 school choice if it's you know that's what the funds been used for these one time 654 00:53:06,88 --> 00:53:13,77 expenses that are on anticipated. So. And then we can I can update you as 655 00:53:13,78 --> 00:53:18,64 with the progress we've gone all along in terms of the expenses related to the 656 00:53:18,65 --> 00:53:21,82 search and if we don't spend it all just revert back to 657 00:53:21,83 --> 00:53:28,50 a fun balance in school. So I'm most. Moved that the school committee 658 00:53:28,51 --> 00:53:33,48 appropriate thirty thousand dollars from the school choice for. To the general 659 00:53:34,29 --> 00:53:40,48 appropriate appropriate for the purpose of superintendence research get second in 660 00:53:40,49 --> 00:53:47,23 a sense and. All those in favor. And the 661 00:53:47,24 --> 00:53:52,71 billion the next step is going to be that Chad's going to contact the brain 662 00:53:52,72 --> 00:53:55,97 associates let them know that we were the contract and they will be here on the 663 00:53:55,98 --> 00:53:59,52 fifteenth and at that point they're going to do their Basically we're expecting 664 00:53:59,53 --> 00:54:03,42 them to hit the ground running they're going to show us probably there were 665 00:54:03,43 --> 00:54:08,88 probably to meet our lead consultant or and maybe all of them at some point. We're 666 00:54:08,89 --> 00:54:13,19 going to have probably you know an initial timeline to look at you know they're 667 00:54:13,20 --> 00:54:16,57 going to go over and make their sort of presentation to us and what we can expect 668 00:54:16,58 --> 00:54:23,46 from them moving forward so it's should be if anybody can. Make some 669 00:54:23,47 --> 00:54:30,01 suggestions of what. Is what they're able to present that you know what they should 670 00:54:30,02 --> 00:54:36,98 be able to answer that you think. Because I'm thinking you know not only I'm lying 671 00:54:36,98 --> 00:54:43,94 . But things like composition of the committee yet of the actual search 672 00:54:43,95 --> 00:54:46,98 committee I think that's part of it to run and I don't know what people that 673 00:54:46,99 --> 00:54:51,41 already discussed so I'd want to be not much we want to make sure you guys vote or 674 00:54:51,42 --> 00:54:57,91 something every So do you guys want to just get together or talk to make sure that 675 00:54:57,92 --> 00:55:01,80 Chad's got all the nation of the media and I would say and I don't want to like 676 00:55:01,81 --> 00:55:06,12 volunteer and you had to receive of them are going to be e-mails but I guess if 677 00:55:06,13 --> 00:55:11,14 anybody has specific things they want to see talked about you know do you do you 678 00:55:11,15 --> 00:55:15,32 want us to filter that for you or do you want to handle it I don't Chad wants to 679 00:55:15,42 --> 00:55:18,81 refer them to somebody in the school department or 680 00:55:18,82 --> 00:55:23,68 a school committee member so he's not in the middle of trying to convey you are so 681 00:55:23,69 --> 00:55:27,75 what I write yes if you have specific items you'd like to discuss when they come 682 00:55:27,76 --> 00:55:34,49 here please let me know. What those. These are no later than Van 683 00:55:35,21 --> 00:55:40,10 how long do you think that each out of. The fifteen. 684 00:55:44,93 --> 00:55:48,92 Was like the. Would say by the end of this week Michael by the end of this week 685 00:55:48,96 --> 00:55:52,93 yeah you guys we're going to assume and Chad to be in contact with them tomorrow to 686 00:55:52,94 --> 00:55:57,60 let them know that they're expected to be here on the fifteenth and that then 687 00:55:57,61 --> 00:56:02,95 somebody you can will be in touch with whomever from brain associates about the 688 00:56:02,96 --> 00:56:05,14 expectation and actually just to make our job 689 00:56:05,15 --> 00:56:07,83 a little easier Chad when you speak with them tomorrow will you ask them what 690 00:56:07,84 --> 00:56:12,22 they're planning to present and then we can make amendments to it bay and I will 691 00:56:12,23 --> 00:56:13,03 make sure that everybody gets 692 00:56:13,04 --> 00:56:16,67 a copy of that tomorrow you know we're going to they send it over I should say you 693 00:56:16,68 --> 00:56:21,79 know is there is there are they said that you know. I haven't got 694 00:56:21,80 --> 00:56:27,10 a copy of it I can send out are ever able to as the public groups are used to and I 695 00:56:27,11 --> 00:56:30,02 have I have hard copies if people would like 696 00:56:30,03 --> 00:56:34,94 a public document right so some I want some of them right I was actually copies of 697 00:56:34,95 --> 00:56:41,50 my office if anybody will I meant electronically. Paper. Right so if anybody wants 698 00:56:41,54 --> 00:56:48,25 a copy the last one time anybody wants something they want to see presenting it 699 00:56:48,26 --> 00:56:52,80 with Michael by Friday make sure Chad gets it all and just to kind of reiterate 700 00:56:53,04 --> 00:56:56,72 when Chad speaks on tomorrow let them know they're going to let us know what they 701 00:56:56,95 --> 00:57:00,17 are plenty to present so we're you know Russia will submit to them because we want 702 00:57:00,18 --> 00:57:04,50 to see much in it beyond what they are planning or the thinking for there to at 703 00:57:04,51 --> 00:57:11,48 least answer right you know. The less is more the the. 704 00:57:13,05 --> 00:57:16,82 Presentation and it would be really great if we can come in with what they're 705 00:57:16,83 --> 00:57:22,38 proposing for us as opposed to go there for the. Present Yeah and secondly you know 706 00:57:22,39 --> 00:57:26,39 I think this will go along with the use of the earlier incident euro book I would 707 00:57:26,40 --> 00:57:26,84 go like 708 00:57:26,85 --> 00:57:33,58 a breakdown of national search costs so. As much as possible 709 00:57:33,66 --> 00:57:36,85 because I'm not sure I'm really in favor of spending too much money on the 710 00:57:36,86 --> 00:57:42,53 nationalist movement so if we can break the world for us and we can. Figure out 711 00:57:42,54 --> 00:57:49,51 what the additional expenses were. From. We will let them know. 712 00:57:52,74 --> 00:57:57,95 We thank you Mr Withers and once for all of what you did I know you did 713 00:57:57,96 --> 00:57:58,86 a lot of work in 714 00:57:58,87 --> 00:58:05,64 a short amount of. It is just to. Get. To moving on to the 715 00:58:05,81 --> 00:58:06,42 next stage in 716 00:58:06,43 --> 00:58:13,98 a very tender and it's. Causing. Us and our Sunday. Times 717 00:58:14,79 --> 00:58:20,62 when somebody finance so want to explain so finance that there was 718 00:58:20,63 --> 00:58:27,19 a request from the police department for six thousand dollar. For funding an 719 00:58:27,20 --> 00:58:33,47 additional crossing guard to be located at Comverse in LA meadow St. 720 00:58:34,61 --> 00:58:41,19 The cost of crossing guards is in the Palmetto police department budget but 721 00:58:41,20 --> 00:58:46,18 since the redistricting occurred after they had to submit their budget requests for 722 00:58:46,25 --> 00:58:53,00 one sixteenth they did not include the addition of one more crossing 723 00:58:53,01 --> 00:58:59,04 guard so they approached the superintendent in requested dot for F Y sixteen since 724 00:58:59,05 --> 00:59:05,81 it was. Added on after the Budget was approved by the school 725 00:59:05,82 --> 00:59:09,23 department funded for this year and it would be 726 00:59:09,24 --> 00:59:15,13 a one time one year expense that when F Y seventeen they would incorporate the 727 00:59:15,14 --> 00:59:21,63 additional cost associated to the additional location being added so it was 728 00:59:21,64 --> 00:59:27,26 recommended by finance on August twenty sixth I believe I mean that. 729 00:59:28,82 --> 00:59:33,77 And it was recommended and approved to come out of the school trust. So would not 730 00:59:33,78 --> 00:59:36,83 be a transfer of funds to the police department there would be 731 00:59:36,84 --> 00:59:40,20 a transfer of expenses into the school department budget. 732 00:59:44,09 --> 00:59:44,66 So do we need 733 00:59:44,67 --> 00:59:52,55 a motion for discussion. And I am. Sure 734 00:59:52,55 --> 00:59:59,03 . I can help you. Let's hope 735 00:59:59,46 --> 00:59:59,73 you have 736 00:59:59,74 --> 01:00:06,03 a habit to go. I believe the motion was that the school committee on the recommendation 737 01:00:06,04 --> 01:00:12,05 of finance sub appropriate six thousand dollars from the school choice fund to to 738 01:00:12,38 --> 01:00:17,13 support the cost of a crossing guard position. At converse 739 01:00:17,14 --> 01:00:24,09 a moment of shame Sarka most and many further discussed. And I just 740 01:00:24,10 --> 01:00:29,35 ask Will that if we fund this and we find that we need to add another crossing our 741 01:00:29,39 --> 01:00:30,24 will that put us in 742 01:00:30,25 --> 01:00:38,21 a situation where we. Can't add another one. May well. Well 743 01:00:38,22 --> 01:00:44,74 it would have to come back to school committee for an additional vote. So this is 744 01:00:44,75 --> 01:00:50,68 right now going to fund one OK So are we do I guess are we draining something by by 745 01:00:50,69 --> 01:00:57,39 funding what is normally in their budget. Without additional any additional 746 01:00:57,92 --> 01:01:04,78 locations that would be. Staffed they don't have the resources so they would 747 01:01:04,79 --> 01:01:07,98 come back to the school department that my guess would be they'd come back to the 748 01:01:07,99 --> 01:01:13,51 school department for additional funding. So they budgeted for so many I don't know 749 01:01:13,52 --> 01:01:18,07 how many crossing guards they have. They know the salary for the year so they 750 01:01:18,08 --> 01:01:22,40 budgeted that much now that this one was added they don't have the resources in 751 01:01:22,41 --> 01:01:24,21 their budget to pay for so if 752 01:01:24,22 --> 01:01:29,03 a second or third or fourth one were to be added at some point based on whatever 753 01:01:29,04 --> 01:01:34,46 the need. That was determined my guess is that they would probably come back and 754 01:01:34,62 --> 01:01:38,51 look for funding from the school department and the school committee as they did 755 01:01:38,52 --> 01:01:43,19 with this one. Being that it's being added up again after the Budget been approved 756 01:01:43,20 --> 01:01:50,07 and. Then if I sixteen operational so. So 757 01:01:50,08 --> 01:01:54,68 is there an understanding that that's the reason we're doing it and next year it's 758 01:01:54,69 --> 01:01:59,17 still needed that we wouldn't it would revert back to their budget or any 759 01:01:59,18 --> 01:02:03,46 discussion of that's my understanding is that it is funded from fly sixteen from 760 01:02:03,47 --> 01:02:08,87 the school department but enough I seventeen Again assuming that that was that 761 01:02:08,88 --> 01:02:12,99 additional location would still be staffed that the cost associated to that's I 762 01:02:13,00 --> 01:02:17,26 would be included in the police department budget you think once guarantee you know 763 01:02:17,27 --> 01:02:20,49 one time is your only that they would know. 764 01:02:24,55 --> 01:02:29,49 It's part of our discussion. They were going to investigate whether the conditions 765 01:02:29,50 --> 01:02:36,38 that owing to the farmer from need or Grossinger Yes. I think we're concerned about 766 01:02:36,39 --> 01:02:43,36 methodology because apparently what they've done here. If I'm mistaken 767 01:02:43,53 --> 01:02:50,19 someone can correct me. In the past. Going back about five seven years. 768 01:02:51,58 --> 01:02:57,13 They had a crossing guard. With redistricting back in the US but 769 01:02:57,14 --> 01:03:01,58 a limited at that position so all they're doing is going back to work they. There 770 01:03:01,70 --> 01:03:06,41 there was no valid were tional situation granted there could not be because there 771 01:03:06,42 --> 01:03:10,02 were no screw so they're supposed to be in 772 01:03:10,03 --> 01:03:15,93 a voter or should know. What with the next two weeks you know right 773 01:03:16,84 --> 01:03:21,46 enough to get you I think it was part of our discussion Yeah I got this from the 774 01:03:21,47 --> 01:03:26,72 House subcommittee US House it's the sceptically like not just sitting there 775 01:03:26,73 --> 01:03:28,31 monitoring where they're going to be 776 01:03:28,32 --> 01:03:34,03 a specific way that they're going to monitor the traffic close and then it. Safely 777 01:03:34,04 --> 01:03:39,15 say that it is the safe route for the. For the kids to travel I guess that's what 778 01:03:39,24 --> 01:03:43,23 what was what was there that was actually discussion right and I think you know you 779 01:03:43,24 --> 01:03:49,46 know Marie and I have met with old stand puts Captain Fontayne and 780 01:03:50,17 --> 01:03:55,60 they had explained you know in their initial survey of Farmington in Allentown. 781 01:03:56,61 --> 01:04:02,85 Because of the setback of where the crosswalk is in relation to Longmeadow street. 782 01:04:04,75 --> 01:04:11,47 In respect to the sight lines meeting the overhanging trees at 783 01:04:11,48 --> 01:04:14,07 those two crossings which that is not 784 01:04:14,08 --> 01:04:21,03 a problem. And historic data you know which ten years ago that there 785 01:04:21,20 --> 01:04:26,93 weren't any there you know the chief did state that you know obviously now driving 786 01:04:26,94 --> 01:04:33,90 conditions are different. Than they were then but definitely. You know 787 01:04:33,91 --> 01:04:40,03 the police know cumbersome Longmeadow street is an extremely busy intersection and 788 01:04:40,03 --> 01:04:46,56 . Felt that that was of most importance and that they would be evaluating further 789 01:04:46,57 --> 01:04:52,11 they didn't give us how they were going to evaluate. Those other two streets at the 790 01:04:52,12 --> 01:04:56,80 time but both officers who have been in town for quite 791 01:04:56,81 --> 01:05:02,56 a number of years and have seen you know. The changes that have to. Plays did not 792 01:05:02,86 --> 01:05:09,65 feel that those two interceptions were as. Hell the 793 01:05:09,66 --> 01:05:14,70 same concern that converse of all of those that are accurate and they were using 794 01:05:14,71 --> 01:05:20,13 observations of putting officers on the streets to observe traffic so that's how 795 01:05:20,14 --> 01:05:25,40 they play. In The truth is that they want to know what the traffic patterns really 796 01:05:25,41 --> 01:05:30,93 aren't till today honestly Exactly so it's starting today the next two weeks are 797 01:05:30,94 --> 01:05:36,06 going to look like and the fact that in the morning traffic is coming. 798 01:05:37,58 --> 01:05:41,40 As of a transit incidents there coming up Ellington in Farmington to make 799 01:05:41,41 --> 01:05:46,36 a right hand turn onto Longmeadow street it's not as in the evening where people 800 01:05:46,37 --> 01:05:48,33 are traveling down a long narrow street trying to make 801 01:05:48,34 --> 01:05:54,62 a while. On to those streets to cut back or into Laurel's So again as 802 01:05:54,63 --> 01:05:55,68 a driver when you're making 803 01:05:55,69 --> 01:06:01,09 a right hand turn you know you will be seeing the students who are walking in 804 01:06:01,10 --> 01:06:04,85 coming supposedly more easily than if you were making 805 01:06:04,86 --> 01:06:11,70 a left. So can you get up do you know people meetings you know because you have 806 01:06:11,71 --> 01:06:17,39 a window with two police the parents and we're all still here and I have was 807 01:06:17,40 --> 01:06:17,75 writing 808 01:06:17,76 --> 01:06:24,18 a plan for my last discussion was that. You find our chief saying what was going to 809 01:06:24,19 --> 01:06:30,15 give us an update once he completed their own observations as want to add very very 810 01:06:30,16 --> 01:06:35,75 quickly and I meant to say this during busier convert from school to comments. I 811 01:06:35,76 --> 01:06:38,84 don't police department and the school could have heard concerns from parents 812 01:06:38,85 --> 01:06:42,51 related to the cross potential for crossing guards and only to parent and that I 813 01:06:42,52 --> 01:06:47,60 just want to thank them for their response to that I know that Captain Fontayne did 814 01:06:48,53 --> 01:06:54,06 call last night to the entire community. You know advising Yeah vising the 815 01:06:54,07 --> 01:06:59,33 community. I don't know me so I got the message on my cell phone or I write well it 816 01:06:59,34 --> 01:07:00,86 may advise the community I'm like 817 01:07:00,87 --> 01:07:06,79 a lot. Back then you know. Myself OK well I got one but on the day I don't you 818 01:07:06,80 --> 01:07:10,01 think you know you just call me now you know it's not always with 819 01:07:10,02 --> 01:07:14,84 a life or up at the corner of commerce you know these are new traffic routes people 820 01:07:14,85 --> 01:07:19,33 in town are not used to you know the being children out on Congress Street like 821 01:07:19,34 --> 01:07:24,23 that or law ministry like that. You know in addition to the fact that I know on the 822 01:07:24,24 --> 01:07:24,98 news published 823 01:07:24,99 --> 01:07:30,33 a notice so you know it is you know so thank you to you know cap and thank us and 824 01:07:30,34 --> 01:07:31,54 herbs chief thank what's now 825 01:07:31,55 --> 01:07:35,56 a captain funny name for their for their attention to this and for continue to 826 01:07:35,57 --> 01:07:38,89 monitor it because I know that they their priority number one is making sure that 827 01:07:39,68 --> 01:07:43,52 you know our kids get to school safely and that you know that the day starts 828 01:07:43,53 --> 01:07:47,39 without instance you know and I there's no matter what school they're exactly and I 829 01:07:47,40 --> 01:07:50,49 appreciate them continue to monitor the situation because if it does become an 830 01:07:50,50 --> 01:07:56,22 issue I know that they will be responsive Absolutely and then I saw them right now 831 01:07:56,65 --> 01:08:02,50 in the street yeah today so I actually want to organize them it's I regret to miss 832 01:08:02,54 --> 01:08:06,91 that as well I did because that was something that I had asked him. To just kind of 833 01:08:07,03 --> 01:08:12,70 make sure that they're seen Yeah and I was going to write and even driving around 834 01:08:12,83 --> 01:08:18,19 actor's home I was traveling through town between two and three and there was most 835 01:08:18,20 --> 01:08:18,97 definitely 836 01:08:19,02 --> 01:08:26,09 a visible police presence. Traveling So thank you you are yeah officers 837 01:08:26,10 --> 01:08:30,76 for whom you are helping us with this. And you know all. 838 01:08:39,79 --> 01:08:46,42 So any further discussion on the phone. You know in general I'd be interested in 839 01:08:46,46 --> 01:08:51,36 understanding their methodology for the placement of all crossing guards how do 840 01:08:51,37 --> 01:08:57,17 they determine that particular issue over a crossing guard. I think that's 841 01:08:57,18 --> 01:09:01,58 a question curricle question should be here before. Yes or. 842 01:09:05,10 --> 01:09:09,55 Is there any historical component for example have there been accidents of any of 843 01:09:09,56 --> 01:09:14,07 the joke. Was that the reason. For 844 01:09:14,08 --> 01:09:20,47 a moment when they knew. When they contact us or when we get them about doing the 845 01:09:20,48 --> 01:09:26,58 update is the choice and I can certainly ask but I don't but I know I'm not trying 846 01:09:26,59 --> 01:09:29,93 to surprise them so if you're going to know about me I'm somewhat those going to 847 01:09:29,94 --> 01:09:31,93 come out here whether through 848 01:09:31,94 --> 01:09:38,22 a question. Or give the question. Further discussion I'm going to. 849 01:09:40,68 --> 01:09:46,78 Say no or both so all those in favor of appropriating the six thousand choice. 850 01:09:47,95 --> 01:09:54,50 For the funding for one year. Is. The easiest way to their head in one year. 851 01:09:58,38 --> 01:10:05,34 Right and then the third time you've just comes back is what just does back 852 01:10:05,35 --> 01:10:10,22 on July twenty seventh school committee approved fifty three thousand dollars again 853 01:10:10,23 --> 01:10:13,05 from the school choice account to fund 854 01:10:13,11 --> 01:10:20,07 a laundry list of instructional materials bass materials on mind 855 01:10:20,08 --> 01:10:25,66 reading. Software. The last item on the list was for 856 01:10:25,70 --> 01:10:29,76 a words their way instructional materials which is 857 01:10:29,77 --> 01:10:36,69 a word study curriculum for grades three through five. Fortunately we 858 01:10:36,97 --> 01:10:41,28 the price that was listed what the funding that was listed was sixty five hundred 859 01:10:41,79 --> 01:10:46,21 and when the quotes came back it came in at eleven thousand six hundred seventy 860 01:10:46,35 --> 01:10:50,70 five dollars so there would be there's 861 01:10:50,71 --> 01:10:55,41 a request for an additional five thousand one hundred seventy five dollars to 862 01:10:55,45 --> 01:11:02,20 purchase this curriculum material for grades three through five. And again it would 863 01:11:02,21 --> 01:11:07,80 be coming from the school choice account and this is where and yes this was also 864 01:11:07,81 --> 01:11:11,56 recommended by finance about their August twenty sixth meeting so. 865 01:11:19,94 --> 01:11:26,17 I think it was. A move on the recommendation of finance to appropriate five 866 01:11:26,18 --> 01:11:31,85 thousand one hundred seventy five dollars to fund the purchase of the 867 01:11:32,81 --> 01:11:38,30 words their way curriculum for grades three through five second most in the second 868 01:11:38,34 --> 01:11:45,34 and discussed. That we could use directions to. This. Yes 869 01:11:46,26 --> 01:11:53,13 and others learn our lessons are going to last just so. Ballpark I'd say it's 870 01:11:53,14 --> 01:11:57,55 about three hundred in twenty thousand dollars. Pretty healthy 871 01:11:57,65 --> 01:12:03,88 a school committee some years ago develop some guidelines about balances they would 872 01:12:03,89 --> 01:12:08,98 like to see in the revolving accounts and. I believe to fifty was the recommended 873 01:12:08,99 --> 01:12:14,10 balance that they would like to see that fund were out of the recommended minimum 874 01:12:14,11 --> 01:12:14,47 balance 875 01:12:14,48 --> 01:12:21,27 a minimum balance correct thank you. So so there is still approximately seventy 876 01:12:21,34 --> 01:12:25,11 thousand above seventy five thousand above the minimum balance in this is been 877 01:12:25,12 --> 01:12:31,18 pretty stable Yeah it's been up and down depending but it hasn't deployed to fifty 878 01:12:31,36 --> 01:12:34,53 five and has not followed to fifty we were up there for 879 01:12:34,54 --> 01:12:37,76 a while we did spend some money right at the end of last year buying 880 01:12:37,77 --> 01:12:44,17 a number of curriculum materials textbooks and so on so. But that's 881 01:12:44,21 --> 01:12:47,40 ballpark we haven't closed off I fifteen yet but based on 882 01:12:48,34 --> 01:12:53,19 a report back from want to say was like mid July. One. 883 01:12:55,21 --> 01:13:01,91 Preschool place. And there is. Jer's around 884 01:13:01,95 --> 01:13:06,47 words with this. It's a softer Oh sure it's 885 01:13:06,48 --> 01:13:13,28 a yeah and goal was to get first second although the words that you are no 886 01:13:13,29 --> 01:13:18,74 mean only up and share like. He says the think you. 887 01:13:20,26 --> 01:13:24,48 Need to order that they don't yet know he has much of anything are you waiting for 888 01:13:24,49 --> 01:13:27,75 night to order that's why we write. It with 889 01:13:27,76 --> 01:13:32,79 a. Disability something else probably that's in the agenda that we know what we 890 01:13:32,80 --> 01:13:38,22 need to get thank you and tell yourself. You know. Who it is something that they'll 891 01:13:38,23 --> 01:13:43,92 be able to implement this year yes OK. For the description. 892 01:13:45,59 --> 01:13:52,53 So you know the hope on both of those in favor of. The most is that 893 01:13:52,54 --> 01:13:59,06 it. Totals with most of this evening but action to address I think that in the 894 01:13:59,07 --> 01:14:03,11 second I just want to remind everyone that our next meeting is on 895 01:14:03,12 --> 01:14:09,80 a shoestring. September fifth at seven pm. Here is 896 01:14:10,45 --> 01:14:15,91 so different day you want to make sure that he was aware and I will enjoy the 897 01:14:15,92 --> 01:14:22,70 motion to adjourn. To return to the. Second all those in favor. 898 01:14:24,21 --> 01:14:25,94 All right thank you everyone have 899 01:14:25,95 --> 01:14:32,72 a great evening. My phone. You have. Made just ten minutes notify me 900 01:14:32,95 --> 01:14:37,53 you can you know great I'm going to town through yeah and you can sign up for what 901 01:14:37,54 --> 01:14:40,94 you want to be no this idea Chad let me just let you know I sure you want to google 902 01:14:40,95 --> 01:14:46,21 doc for all the starker I'm sorry we got someone else will be in real time 903 01:14:46,22 --> 01:14:48,09 resolving room to room.